Aug 26, 2012
• Well we were awash with children and grandchildren yesterday which was great and I cannot believe how much our youngest grandchild Stella had grown in 6 weeks….she was 6 week old when we left and she definitely looks older than 12 weeks now..…as well as incredibly cute. All the other grandchildren have grown as well and Bayley is now taller than Norm so he is pretty impressed about that. Big change in a short time.• Our trip home went pretty well and we slept in fits and starts but oh my God was it ever good to be in our own bed last night. Went to bed at 6pm and didn’t get out until 8am this morning. PERFECT!
• Onto the bikes this morning to go and see Norm Snr and cut his lawns then home through Noojee and Willowgrove. Nice to be back on our local roads and enjoying our own scenery.
• We are progressively unpacking and packing away what we need to so will get to a debrief of the trip eventually.
Nice to see some familiar local colour…..and the bikes look good as well. Ha ha.